Washers Washers according to GOST 9065-75, etc.
- Washer (from it. Scheibe) is a fastener placed under the nut or head of another fastener (bolt, screw, screw, self-tapping screw) to create a larger area of the support surface, to prevent the fastener from unscrewing itself. Washers are used in case of insufficient contact area of the adjacent surface of the bolt head with the surface of the part, or in case of danger of damage to the material of the part. The use of washers is also possible if there is a danger of failure of the bolt head or the elements of mechanical fixation of the threaded connection (such as a grover washer or a crown washer) into the hole in the part.
All products
The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant: flanges, studs, nuts, bolts, washers, transitions, flanged coils, sealing gaskets, bosses, couplings, adapters, plugs, protective sleeves, etc
The company specializes in the supply of products for the oil, gas, energy, food, and chemical industries. The company produces high-quality products, taking into account the needs of customers and guarantees that the supplied products meet the specified requirements.
The products are supplied with certificates of compliance with the voluntary and mandatory certification system, as well as a permit from Rostechnadzor. -
The company's equipment is widely used in all areas from apartments and cottages to large industrial enterprises, housing and utilities facilities and other industries. -
For production, a minimum of technical means is used with an unlimited number of functional solutions.
- (727)345-47-04
- (3955)60-70-56
- (8182)63-90-72
- (8512)99-46-04
- (3852)73-04-60
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- (8202)49-02-64
- (3022)38-34-83
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- (4932)77-34-06
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- (8552)20-53-41
- (831)429-08-12
- (3843)20-46-81
- (383)227-86-73
- (3496)41-32-12
- (3812)21-46-40
- (4862)44-53-42
- (3532)37-68-04
- (8412)22-31-16
- (342)205-81-47
- (8142)55-98-37
- (8112)59-10-37
- (863)308-18-15
- (4912)46-61-64
- (812)309-46-40
- (846)206-03-16
- (8342)22-96-24
- (845)249-38-78
- (8692)22-31-93
- (3652)67-13-56
- (4812)29-41-54
- (862)225-72-31
- (8652)20-65-13
- (3462)77-98-35
- (8212)25-95-17
- (4752)50-40-97
- (998)71-205-18-59
- (8482)63-91-07
- (3822)98-41-53
- (4872)33-79-87
- (4822)63-31-35
- (3452)66-21-18
- (347)229-48-12
- (3012)59-97-51
- (8422)24-23-59
- (8672)28-90-48
- (4922)49-43-18
- (423)249-28-31
- (844)278-03-48
- (8172)26-41-59
- (473)204-51-73
- (4112)23-90-97
- (4852)69-52-93
- (343)384-55-89